
Representatives of the NCCM visited HUG




A delegation of the National Cancer Center of Mongolia (NCCM) led by General Director                      Mr. N. Erdenekhuu visited Geneva University Hospitals (HUG) from April 18th-19th 2023.

The NCCM delegation met with M. Alain Kolly, Assistant General Director of Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève. During the meeting the two sides agreed to establish formal relations between the two hospitals, and to initiate joint project in the field of diagnosing and treatment of cancer, and to develop a short-term and long-term program to increase the capacity and competence of NCCM health workers.

During the visit, the representatives of the NCCM also had an opportunity to visit HUG's Department of Surgery led by Pr. Frederic Triponez and got acquainted with the latest methods and technological developments in laparoscopic surgery and robotic surgery.

Moreover, representatives visited SWISS Foundation for Innovation and Training in Surgery - SFITS led by D’ Jelena Godjevac and discussed possibilities to enroll NCCM surgeons for a short term training course at SFITS.

The Geneva University Hospitals is one of the five university hospitals of Switzerland and the largest one in the country. It is one of the largest hospitals in Europe.